
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Paying It Forward

I have seen this "Paying It Forward" project traveling around different circles in the blogging world and Facebook, but never really jumped in on it. I'm not really sure why, as I think it is an incredible idea. Who wouldn't want to get a fun, handmade gift in the mail? Maybe I just wasn't sure three people would really sign up? Who knows, but when I saw that beautiful Keera of was participating I decided to jump.

Keera was my very first follower on this little blog. I really cannot even remember how  I stumbled upon her blog, but I'm so glad I did. She is so sweet and talented, and is currently working on her first quilt pattern.

So, if any of you would like to join in on Paying It Forward, here are the rules...

1. I will make a crafty gift for each of the first three people to comment on this post. This little gift is a surprise, and will arrive to you anytime within the next 365 days.

2. To sign up to pay it forward, you need to commit to the project yourself... so you can pay it forward too! Just post this, or something similar on your blog so others can get involved.

 3. You need to have a blog of your own...(I'm actually not much of a stickler for this rule...if you want to play along but don't have a blog, that's fine with me. Just let me know and commit to doing three random acts of craftiness...)

 4. After commenting on this post, post something similar on your own you can spread the pay it forward love. I will email you asking for your mailing address so I can get your little treat in the mail. (Please make sure that your email address is visible on your profile or leave it in the comment.)

I have to confess that once I signed up on her blog, I completely forgot about it until she requested my address to send me the gift. Sorry!

So, who wants to play?

And just so I don't have a post without any pictures, here is the "goodie" that I made for my second partner in the Goodie Swap. Hope she likes it!