
Monday, September 26, 2011

Halloween Mini

I am generally terrible at decorating for the holidays. I have good intentions, I just always procrastinate then never get it done. But my kids are getting to the age that they notice these things and really get excited about decorations, so I've decided to put forth a greater effort. 

I bought a few Halloween fabrics with the plan to make some sort of table runner with them, but again found myself putting off actually making it. Well the other day I went to Kohl's and they had their Halloween decor on sale (sidenote: is there ever a time that things aren't on sale at Kohl's?) so I bought a big Trick or Treat bowl to use for our candy. I set it on top of the cabinet where I wanted it but thought it needed something underneath. At first I thought about just making a simple felt mat to put under it, but then realized that this was the perfect time to use some of those Halloween fabrics. 

My only problem is that now I don't want to cover it up with a bowl, so I'll have to find somewhere else to put it. Most of the fabrics are from the Matilda line by Cosmo Cricket. The candy corn and spiderwebs are some that I found on vacation in Wisconsin. My plan was to make it a little more asymmetrical, but apparently that is a problem for me when I am actually trying to do it.

For the back I used a print from Alexander Henry's "The Ghastlies", so it is really kind of reversible.

Friday morning I was in my sewing room trying to get some things ready to ship and my two year old picked up my pinking shears and asked where I got them. He is kind of obsessed with asking that right now, so I didn't think too much about it until I heard the sound of fabric being cut. I looked up to see him taking a big snip into the edge of my little quilt.

Deep breaths were necessary.

Later when I got the chance to work on it again, I decided to just stitch it up and move on, because the binding would hopefully cover most of it. 

Turns out, the binding didn't cover most of it, but I really don't notice it that much since it kind of blends with the creepy smiles. Kind of.

A big thank-you to Megan at Canoe Ridge Creations for hosting the party! Please visit her and check out some of the other wonderful guests while you're there!

Another thank-you goes out to Faith at Fresh Lemons Quilts who is hosting a party for mini-quilts. Go see her and check out the other minis being made at:

And yet another thank-you being sent to Jenna at Sew Happy Geek for hosting Manic Mondays:

One final thank-you to the girls at Quilt Story, Heather and Megan, for hosting Fabric Tuesday, an awesome collection of sewing projects.


  1. Cute mini! I'm with you on the holiday decorating. By the time I get around to it, it's too late!

    That snip in your quilt makes me cringe, but your fix really does blend right in. This weekend, my son was "helping" me clip some stray strings from a quilt top, and I thought, "I know he's going to try to do this when I'm not around!" Yikes.

  2. Oh my goodness - SNIP! Kinda funny tho - what you call 'creepy smiles' looked to me like 'stitches', so your 'stitch' kinda fits in! It's very cute, all the same!

  3. Gasp! Wow. You've just put me off having kids. I will save this post and recommend it as a quilters contraceptive.

  4. Such a cute little mini! That backing fabric is really striking.

  5. I love the fabrics! I agree with Debbie it looks like stitches! Kids just love scissors don't they... and needles... and bobbins. aarrrggghhhh ;)

  6. Oops! Your fix (and the whole mini quilt) looks great!!

  7. Darn it! Two year olds want to try everything, don't they? I think you did a great job with your fix. It totally blends in.

  8. You did an awesome job fixing that. Making it blend with the overall look of the quilt by using dark thread rather than trying to "hide" the mistake. Brilliant!

    I'm subscribing to your blog now, so many nice things to look at. :)

  9. Oh poor you and bless your little 2 year old boy! What can you do? Take a deep breath and move on! Lovely mini quilt and love the fabri.

  10. this is cute, and the little snip just adds to the halloweeness of it! Love the back too, that fabric is perfect for trick or treat!

  11. Love love love hte backing on your little quilt! I don't think anyone will notice the little fix you had to do, either.

    Sounds like it's time for your little one to have his own stash of fabric scraps! My aunt gave my niece a box and said she can do whatever she wants with what's in the box, but ONLY that box. Mostly she likes taking it out and showing it to me when I visit :)

  12. That little mended spot will become your favorite part of the quilt one day. It is kind of like the"notes" in my Bible.

  13. I have the scissor-fear constantly! Nice fix it on the mat though!

  14. Oh no... the pinking shears! The mending totally blends in though... no worries. :) If you squint, it looks a little like Frankenstein's face.

  15. I don't decorate for holiday either but I think I would be inclined to if I had kids. I love your mini quilt and agree with everyone else that your fix is perfect for the fabric.

  16. I agree with all the other commenters--the accidental stitches blend right in. You could have even said that you did it on purpose and everyone would have just thought it was clever and so fitting for Halloween!

  17. Priceless. But oh the thought of it happening. Usually it's me that does the damage.

  18. That's a really good patch job! :D

  19. Yikes! But oh well, you have a Frankenstein repair, very seasonal :oD Love the Ghastlies too

  20. Such a CUTE mini! :) I love the backing fabric and your quilting rocks! Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

  21. Love the Ghastlies fabric. As for the stitching over the oops! It was hardly an oops but a creative opportunity that to me completely looks like Frankenstein's stitches and is totally appropriate for this themed mug rug! Good comeback chica!

  22. Seeing the cut hurts! But if you hadn't mentioned it I would not have noticed anything! Great job! I almost like the backing fabric better but the front is a spooky cuteness ;-) If you want to display it why dont you hang it on the front door and everybody will think "Look, she is already decorating" ;-) I'm like you. I start decorating 2 days before x-mas. I know I will definitely get more into it when I live in the states. And Yes, there is always a sale at Kohl's!

  23. I totally love this mug rug, its so perfect for Halloween! And I think your little repair job is perfect in it. I had a close call with a 3 year old and the scissors myself yesterday, had to take several deep breaths after!

  24. I think you've done really well to cover it up. It does really blend in well with the theme of the mug rug. Hardly noticeable at all.

  25. I love your little mini! You can't even see where your little one cut the quilt. It all blends together very well.

  26. I really like your quilting! :o)

  27. I love how the zig zag to cover the cut goes right along with the fabric. Bet you wouldn't even see it if you didn't know it was there. Great mini!
