
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

WIP Wednesday, vol.3

Well, it seems like I was busy sewing all week, but I really don't have much exciting to show.
 Let's start with the finish:

I actually never talked about this project on any previous WIP lists, but I started this dishmat about three months ago and I just decided to finish it this weekend. To read more about it go here.
Another success for the week was getting all my charms cut for the two swaps I'm in. They aren't due for a while, but I want to get them in as soon as possible so I can get them off my mind. They are my first swaps and I'm nervous that I'm going to screw it up somehow. 

Now for the real Works in Progress report:

Like soldiers on the battlefield, ready to wage war on puckers and poor quilting.
320 pins later, the anniversary quilt is now officially basted. After being aggravated with my basting skills on my previous quilts, I was very careful with this one. I made sure everything was carefully smoothed and taut, and used smaller safety pins, with one every 4 inches.  Now to just figure out how I want to quilt it. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of going along the seams in a zigzag across the quilt, but I'm not sure I want to wrangle it quite that much. Hopefully I can get some kid-free time this weekend to work on it.

A little progress was made on the kaleidoscope quilt. Three blocks are complete and most of the rest are in quarter-blocks. I was a little dumb on a few and for some reason sewed the brown piece onto the wrong side of the print so I'll have to do a bit of ripping. I think it will go pretty quickly after that.

I'm considering joining the Across the Sea Quilt-Along with Ellison Lane Quilts and FairyFace Designs, but I would really love to get one of these done first, or I may go insane with three quilts in progress.

So that's the lowdown over here, now go check out the other great projects linked up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.


  1. I'm super impressed with 320 pins! That is going to be an amazing quilt.

  2. Basting is so not my best friend... I'm afraid to say it has sometimes been a super rushed job. Awesome kaleidoscope blocks! The colours in this quilt are amazing x

  3. Love your finished quilt! Doesn't it feel good? I actually finished one this week as well. It makes it all worth it.

  4. Your basted quilt looks great! I'm not an expert on how to quilt, but you could do a diagonal crosshatch or straight-line in one direction - either vertical or diagonal. just thoughts....good luck whatever you do!

  5. I love all your solids and greys. They really make the colors and patterns pop. I was too chicken to take on the kaleidoscope quilt. :P I've really been enjoying seeing everyone else's work on it though. Three-hundred-and-twenty pins?? Now that is dedication. I'm sure it will result in something gorgeous!

  6. Love the finished dishmat! And I'm in awe of your 320 pins... I've not got the patience, thank god for basting spray!

  7. I made the same mistake on a few of my kaleidoscope blocks. So frustrating!

    I think a zigzag pattern on the anniversary quilt would be really cool if you can swing it!

  8. I love your 'army' of pins. Your troops seem far more disciplined than mine!

  9.! You are much better at pinning than me. It's the part I hate most so I'm very lax with it. My quilts may or may not sometimes reflect that. CAn't wait to see it all quilted up!

  10. I looked at that Across the Sea QAL too! Soooo tempting!

    Can't wait to see the quilting on that anniversary quilt! That's a rather epic amount of pins :)

  11. The anniversary quilt is looking good. I still love the dish mat. I think the kaleidoscope quilt will be lovely too.

    Only a month ago, I thought I couldn't cope having more than one quilt on the go; now I have four!

  12. What a great idea. Yours is so pretty.

    I too use tea towels as a dish rack. It's wonderful to meet someone else that does that.

  13. Oh, I love the fabrics you're using in the kaleidoscope quilt!

  14. It's always a good feeling to finish basting a big quilt, so great job! It looks beautiful. The dishmat is really cute too. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )
