
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This weekend I finished the quilt top that I have been working on for my husband, a green and yellow "plus" quilt for our 6th anniversary. I was able to get it pieced much faster than I thought I would, so now I have right at a month to get it finished. Hopefully I will get some pictures of it today so I can share more tomorrow. I started working on the backing yesterday but ran out of Kona coal so now that will have to wait a few more days until more arrives.

I really want to get a little more practice before I quilt it for him, so I am thinking of making up a few simple strip quilts. I have a couple tablecloths that have randomly sized stripes of bright colors that I really like so I might try that.  I really have a thing going for solids right now, so I may just not use any prints and see how it goes. I have a lot more confidence picking out solids than I do prints!

See what I have to contend with to get a picture?
That's about all the quilty stuff going on here right now. But there is more going on in the kitchen if you want to stick around.

Still here? Ok, well it's a lot of randomness but here's what's going down in the kitchen this morning:
This pound of coffee is getting added to a bunch of cold water,
(I added more water after I took this...)
and is going to hang out for a while until it becomes coffee concentrate for making delicious iced coffee. There are several "recipes" for this floating around the internet, but I remember reading it first on Pioneer Woman, so that's who gets the link.

These bad boys, along with some more that I picked last night are also going to hang out on the counter for a while. I have never made fermented pickles before so I thought I would give it a try. I like foods like sauerkraut and kimchee, but the thought of actually fermenting something for myself never sounded like anything I would be successful with. But, I saw this on Chiot's Run the other day and she made it sound easy so I thought, "Why not?" We have plenty of cucumbers right now so if they turn into a jar of slimy green funk I really haven't lost too much.
And finally, nothing tastes better at the end of a hot day working in the garden than one of these babies:
This is actually from last night, but chances are good another one will be consumed tonight. So good.


  1. Mmm, cherry wheat! And, I've heard a ton about Pioneer Woman's perfect iced coffee - I'll have ot try it. We have the Starbucks iced coffee blend, and I followed the directions on the label - meh. Anyway, thanks for stopping by - looking forward to seeing your hubby's quilt.

  2. Iced coffee...only ever thought of buying it at the coffee store. If you like solids check out Red Pepper Quilts blog. She does a lot of quilts with just solids and they are really fresh. We can only get the winter and summer ale over in Ireland. Great stuff though!

  3. Hi Toni, Thank you for coming over to meet me on my blog. I love your hubby's quilt and look forward to following your sewing and cooking, Janine.

  4. I love that photo of the baby touching the fabrics.

  5. i came to look at your finish for WIP wed, but my eyes were drawn to the sam adams cherry wheat on this post- my favorite beer!
