
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Little Bit of Quilting

Between yesterday afternoon and a little bit this morning, I got the quilting done on the strip quilt. I would have easily gotten it finished yesterday aftenoon, but we had to go do a little of this first:
 Some of our good friends have a pool, but it has been too hot to swim. I always used to think people were crazy when I heard them say that, but I never thought about the pool water heating up, too. The past few weeks it has been in the mid 90s here but the pool had gotten almost that hot, too, so that wouldn't have been all that refreshing now, would it? Luckily it has cooled off a bit so it was time for a swim.

I'm definitely getting more comfortable doing all the layering, basting, trimming, and quilting, but that's not to say I am all that impressed with the results. There were still way too many puckers on the back of the quilt. I thought I pinned a little better this time, but apparently not good enough.

Once again, I just stitched 1/4 inch away from the seams, using grey thread. I really like how the grey looks against the purplish-pink color. But don't look too far down those rows, the stitching get a little crooked. I'm not very good at keeping it still when I readjust or take out pins. But overall, I am happy with how it is going. I do like it better now that it has been quilted. Now to get the binding done.
 I had a hard time deciding between using a solid or a print, and I am determined to get it done this weekend, so ordering something was out of the question. What do you think about this one? Well, you better like it, because I already cut it!

All pressed and ready to go. 

What exciting things do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. Oh Toni - I love it! The colours are gorgeous and am completely crushing your polka dot binding x

  2. Love the polka dot binding! And all of those little imperfections will disappear once you throw it in the washer.

  3. Sewing (and ripping) with DD on Saturday.

    Sunday: catch up on blog posts before I fall any further behind; then more stitching (and hopefully little or no ripping)!

  4. Weekend: totally relax and take some days off to spend with my family after lots of longarmquilting... ;-)

  5. Hi Toni. Love your blog. It's eye candy ! Your plus quilt is wonderful. Look forward to seeing much more.

  6. I love what you picked for the binding. The dot's are wonderful!

    I've never thought that it could get too hot to swim but yeah, if the water gets that warm it would not be fun at all. It looks like you were out having a great time.

  7. Definitely like the polka dots! Some day. Some day I'm going to quilt!!

  8. Love the binding! Can't often go wrong with dots!
