
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Few Things...

Not much time today to write a coherent post, but there are a few things I want to get down in this space...

First, if you have a couple hours to spare along with some pink/purple fabric, would you please consider making a block or two for my friend Sarah's project? She is making two quilts for sisters who are in the foster care system and could use some handmade love. The blocks are easy and it would mean so much! You can read more on her blog, So Sarah Sews and through the flickr group Quilting for Kids. Here are a couple fabulous examples of the blocks, made by Jen Johnston:

If you think this is something you could do, please hop over to Sarah's blog and leave her a comment.

Second, if I don't write it down here I won't record it anywhere, so here is the extent of my canning so far this summer. 

Always label, people...always label!

I have been so lazy this year and  really haven't done much other than the fun stuff. But the way my kids are tearing through the groceries now, I'm gonna have to get back on the wagon next year! So far I've canned: Tomatillo Salsa, Peach Salsa, Raspberry Syrup, Blueberry Syrup, Black Forest Jam, Cherry Almond Jam, and Blueberry Lime Jam. In the freezer: Cherries, both plain and in syrup, blueberries, peaches, roasted tomatilloes, and freezer slaw.  
Most years I would have loads of tomato products and green beans canned, but I was more realistic than optimistic this year. Knowing that I have three kids under 5 and a husband who works basically two full-time jobs, I decided to scale back on the gardening and canning this summer in an effort to keep my sanity. I think we'll survive if we have to buy a can of beans from the store.

And finally,look at this!

Last week at the Iowa State Fair my family got an award for having a Heritage Farm. Basically it just means the farm has been in the same family for 150 years. I thought it was cool. We didn't get to go, but my brother and his cute family were up from Texas so there they are. That little baby my Mom is holding was the recipient of my first quilt!


  1. MMMMMM yummy! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Delicious looks so good!!

  3. wow - what alot of good stuff! I'll check out Sarah's blog....AND congrats on the canning! Envious - totally love that, but not something I do. And congrats on the Family Farm award! That is totally cool!!

  4. Oh my goodness, I can make 2 blocks for two darling sisters! I'll hop over to Sarah's blog right now.

  5. Good for you on that canning, and your decision to scale back.

  6. Yum. Can I come shopping in your pantry? :) THanks for posting the button!

  7. Keeping a farm in a family for that long is a serious achievement. Congratulations to you (and them).

  8. you had me at raspberry syrup- i love that canning stash! great work in a hot kitchen!

  9. Congratulations on being a Heritage Farming family.

    Go easy on yourself, Toni; you can't be all things to all people. Your children must be your priority - they are ony yours for a short time (believe me, I know!) And they will survive on store bought beans!

  10. Mmmm peach salsa! I wonder if it's possible to can my peach cantaloupe salsa. Mr. Google here I come.

  11. Oh wow! I'm so impressed by your canning efforts!
