
Saturday, July 23, 2011

The kids and I did not leave the house today. I cannot remember the last time this has happened on a Saturday. I'm guessing since before Rog started his job at Duke, so, 6 months probably? It seems like we always have something to do on the weekends now, so it was really nice to get to stay home today.  It was a really laid-back day, but we actually got a lot done.

After getting Max down for his morning nap, Rog stayed inside and played with the boys while I enjoyed some quiet time out in the garden. Well, if you call pulling weeds in 90 degree weather enjoyable...Oddly enough, I do! Underneath all the weeds I found several more cucumbers that I missed yesterday and discovered 3 cantaloupe that I hadn't seen before. It seems like the seeds that I planted where I wanted them to grow didn't make it, but when I handed the remainder of the packets to the boys and let them plant the rest everything survived. So we have quite a tangled patch in the garden of watermelon, cantaloupe, sunburst squash and red noodle beans.

I came in and made salsa for lunch with fresh garden veggies, then Rog put the older kids down for their nap. After that he got all the hooks put back up in the mudroom from when I took them down to paint last month. He even got my new shelf from Ikea put up in the dining room. After Max went to sleep I got some sewing done on Rog's quilt that I'm making, then made some pickles. Overall, a surprisingly productive day.

And just to jazz up this post a little, here are a couple pictures from the day.

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