


This is a little awkward, isn't it? I never really know what to say about myself when someone asks. Here are the basics, bullet-style:

  • I'm Toni and I live in Indiana, thus the name HoosierToni. Catchy, huh?
  • I have lived in Iowa, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and now Indiana.
  • I have my Master's Degree in Animal Science with an emphasis in Ruminant Nutrition. Basically I used to care a lot about what cows ate. Not so much anymore.
  • I really like to cook, garden, sew, eat, and travel. I am moderately good at all of them except eating. I am great at eating. 
  • I sew on a Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 835 and I love it.
  • In real life I am very sarcastic. I also greatly detest the intentional misspelling of words and the excessive use of quotation marks. If you ever see me write "lol" on this site you will know I've been hacked.