
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Quilt for Meesh

Michonne's quilt

You know how as soon as you find out that a friend is expecting a baby, you immediately start designing a quilt in your head? Maybe that's just me? Anyway, my sweet friend Michonne is expecting a much-anticipated little girl in just a few weeks. I met Michonne, or Meesh as many people know her, through Flickr and have been lucky enough to be in a few different bees with her. She is so friendly and supportive and is always quick to offer a positive comment.

I asked the ladies of That Stash Bee if they would like to help make a quilt for Michonne's baby, and of course everyone agreed.  I was pretty loose on what I was looking for...I shared three color palettes that I liked and just requested stars, any size, with a low-volume background. I knew that my talented friends would send some fabulous blocks, but I'll be honest..after the first half of the blocks arrived, I was a little nervous that I would wreck everyone's work when I started puzzling them together.  But I shouldn't have worried. My beemates sent such awesome blocks that they look fabulous together! I did have to shrink two of them so I hope those ladies don't mind!


I was so happy to discover that I had enough of these light pink jewels by Lizzy House to use for the binding. I think they go really well with the low-volume girliness of the quilt. I was also really excited to find this Khristian Howell print for the backing. I used some of it in Jill's quilt and thought it would be fun to use it for Michonne's baby's quilt, too.

The online quilting community is such a fun and inviting place. I have made some really awesome friends and am so grateful for my That Stash Bee ladies for their help on this quilt. I absolutely cannot wait to see Meesh's little Cupcake all stretched out on her new quilt!